
In March 2017 Maija and Jesse bought Nordpap and moved it to Polvijärvi. You can still find the same products as before, for much easier and more affordable prices.

Paper refining began as soon as we got our new machines out from the trucks and has grown to new hights during our first year.

As a family business, our 2015 born son and 2018 born doughter has been tightly with us allso during workdays.

2018 we aim to get new products to our selection from cleantech segment, for example solar power. But we still are the same reliable softpaper manufacturer as before, and hope that everybody will find just the right products from our selection.

-1991 Nordpap is founded

-1998 We buy our fird rewinder/cutter

-2003  We buy our fird c-fold machine from Germany

-2010 We buy a sheetpaper cutter, suitable for all paper and pulp cutting

-2015 Webshop is opened

-2017 Maija and Jesse Kuronen bought Nordpap and moved it to Polvijärvi, Eastern Finland

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